quarta-feira, 28 de setembro de 2016

My mother is washing dishes
I'm doing blog

  • Monday : In the morning i'm going to school / In the afternoom i go to CCBEU 
  • Tuesday : In the morning i 'm going to school / Of late i have not anything 
  • Wednesday : In the morning i 'm going to school / In the afternoom i go to CCBEU 
  • Thursday : In the morning i 'm going to school / Of late i have not anything 
  • Friday :: In the morning i 'm going to school / Of late i have not anything 
Healthy habits:
Do not eat too many sweets
Making physical exercises
Eating healthy foods
Going to the gym

Not healthy habits:
Eating too many sweets in one day
being sedentary
Eating too much frying

terça-feira, 27 de setembro de 2016

Resultado de imagem para pessoa com tosse
What to do to improve cough :
Take medicine
Not catch serene.

Resultado de imagem para pessoa com febre
What to do improve the fever :
Go to de doctor 
Take a medicine 

Resultado de imagem para pessoa com dorde barriga
What to do when this with stomachache :                                                                                                    Try to go in batroom                                                  To relax                                                                     Take medicine 
Resultado de imagem para pessoa com dor de cabeça
What to do when this with headache:
take medicine
To sleep
Go to the doctor

segunda-feira, 26 de setembro de 2016

Past with white sauce and bacon

white sauce and bacon

There is a bwol in my kitchen 

There is no coffee in my kitchen 

There is some dish in mu kitchen ?