terça-feira, 29 de novembro de 2016

Rest and have fun
Resultado de imagem para taylor swift

Taylor swift won a lotof awards this week !!!
Go straight and turn left after turning left turn left again and go straight until you reach the corner when you reach the corner cross arua and va straight until you reach the pharmacy va straight until you reach the little boy

quarta-feira, 28 de setembro de 2016

My mother is washing dishes
I'm doing blog

  • Monday : In the morning i'm going to school / In the afternoom i go to CCBEU 
  • Tuesday : In the morning i 'm going to school / Of late i have not anything 
  • Wednesday : In the morning i 'm going to school / In the afternoom i go to CCBEU 
  • Thursday : In the morning i 'm going to school / Of late i have not anything 
  • Friday :: In the morning i 'm going to school / Of late i have not anything 
Healthy habits:
Do not eat too many sweets
Making physical exercises
Eating healthy foods
Going to the gym

Not healthy habits:
Eating too many sweets in one day
being sedentary
Eating too much frying

terça-feira, 27 de setembro de 2016

Resultado de imagem para pessoa com tosse
What to do to improve cough :
Take medicine
Not catch serene.

Resultado de imagem para pessoa com febre
What to do improve the fever :
Go to de doctor 
Take a medicine 

Resultado de imagem para pessoa com dorde barriga
What to do when this with stomachache :                                                                                                    Try to go in batroom                                                  To relax                                                                     Take medicine 
Resultado de imagem para pessoa com dor de cabeça
What to do when this with headache:
take medicine
To sleep
Go to the doctor

segunda-feira, 26 de setembro de 2016

Past with white sauce and bacon

white sauce and bacon

There is a bwol in my kitchen 

There is no coffee in my kitchen 

There is some dish in mu kitchen ?

segunda-feira, 22 de agosto de 2016

terça-feira, 28 de junho de 2016


 1 Are friendly

2 They like play 

3 Are caring  


1 Are brave

2 I has laziness

3   They are alwes


Because  rabbitsis are so brave ?
My favorite animal 
My favorite animal is the dog because I think very beautiful and cute dog , love dogs I think are the best animals in the world .

1: In New York has many shops
2:In Japan already had several tsunames

3:In Tokyo a lot of pollution
4:In the amazon has a lot of deforestation

5:In the Amazon has many burned

Rhino is the largest :

Panda is the  most beatiful : 

Dog is the best 

Snakes are the worst animals 

Hamisters  are smaller animals 

Elephants are the heaviest 

Spiders are the most dangerus animals 

Cheeatah is the fastest 

domingo, 17 de abril de 2016