terça-feira, 27 de junho de 2017

I imagine Guarapuava will be much more evolved and much bigger.
I think the medicine will be much better, we will have more doctors and more health posts.
I also think there will be fewer people dying on the streets, fewer people going hungry.
There will not be children out of school and teachers will be more valued .

Aquecimento Global 

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Resultado de imagem para energia solar

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Resultado de imagem para pessoas plantando arvores

Hi friend !!
It's all rigth ??
What are you going to do next saturday ????
I 'm going to have lunch with my family , rest , take a walk in the lake , and then I ' II heve coffee at the bakery .
What do you think about going out next weekend ???
I fell !!! Kisses Gabriela !!!

Monday :English and studying for school exams

Tuesday :Math tutoring and studying for the exams

Wednesday :English and studying for school exams

Thursday :To study
Saturday : Stay at home
Sunday:Rest, study and go out with the family

Elephants mobilize to take baby from the mud
Wild Wings Safaris, a travel company based in Africa, has released a video where an elephant cub appears struggling to get out of a mud pit. Even after the help of a larger animal, who appears to be the elephant's mother, he can not get out. Finally, another elephant helps and they can remove the cub from the mud.

O filhote de elefante é resgatado pelos mais velhos

Maria Fernanda : I think her nose resembles that of a kangaroo.

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Luana :She is skinny

Resultado de imagem para rato branco

Celina :
She is similar because when she makes a cute face she looks like a little dog

Resultado de imagem para Yorkshire terrier